Check out our new blog address at ! see you there..
Monday, December 28, 2009
New Blog
Posted by Rhiann at 7:22 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Posted by Rhiann at 10:15 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I thought I would make a little post since it has been so long..The computer hasn't been working for awhile, but I got it to work today! Life has been super crazy, with me working and the kids running around like crazy! Ethan and Ayla are growing so fast, it is so fun to watch them, they are starting to interact with each other more and more, its super cute... Ayla is getting her back molers, so she hasn't been to happy lately, she can say a bunch of words, like ball, up, more, thank you, whats that...etc. she is very smart, she know part of the ABC's she know A-D. She is very dramatic and demanding also, I think that's cuz she is a girl. Im glad I only have one!:) Ethan is the sweetest little boy,he is usually very chill, but oh can he get mad, Do Not take something away from him. They always wants what the other has. haha. Ethan loves balls, he walks around all the time saying "Where's the ball" its cute. He loves music he's always dancing and moving his head to the beat. He also loves the ABC's, I haven't heard him say any letters yet. But he says all the same words as Ayla including puppy, loves saying puppy..They love playing outside, they are constanly bringing me there shoes.
Brendin just finished his first year of preschool, he has a bestfriend named Dominic, they are going to be in swimming leasons together over the summer. Next year he will be going to preschool 3 days a week, I think it will be really good for him. He is getting very independent and a bit of an attitude, he can be very sweet when he wants. He loves his brother and sister most of the time, but hates when they want to play with any of his toys, so he usually goes in his room and shuts the door so they can't get anything he's playing with.
Posted by Rhiann at 12:48 PM 1 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
We had a pretty good Easter, we went to church in the morning came home and put Ethan and Ayla down for a nap. While they were naping I colored easter eggs with Brendin. While we were doing that Quentin, Alexa and Daniel hid Easter eggs in the backyard. After the kids woke up, we had an easter egg hunt, opened baskets and ate some yummy candy. They got some cute stuff! Later that night we went to my Dad's house for a turkey dinner, it's was very good :)....We have had some really nice days lately so we have been going outside a lot more, the kids love it and it wears them out really fast so the babies take good naps!
Posted by Rhiann at 2:19 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Ethan & Ayla's Birthday Party!
We had a big party for Ethan & Ayla, I made them there own little cakes and we had a lot of our family there. I made spaghetti and our family sauce.yum. We got tons of new clothes(so awesome) and few toys. Ayla had a huge meltdown when we started singing happy birthday, I think she was a little overwhelmed with all the people standing in front of her, so she didn't eat much cake and we didn't get as many pics of her because we were trying to calm her down. Ethan Loved it, he just sat there and smiled and ate his cake. I still can't believe they are a year old, it went by sooo fast they are such awesome babies, we love them so much and so does big brother. The pics aren't exactly in order.. Thank you everybody for there gifts!
Posted by Rhiann at 8:12 PM 3 comments
Our trip to Monterey & Random Pics!
We had a really fun trip to Monterey last week, we went to the aquarium, which is so neat, there is so much for the kids to do, they all loved it! Brendin loved seeing the sharks and they have a scuba diver that goes in one of the tanks and feeds the fish, he also talks to everybody about all the fish and stuff. We also went and played at a really cool park by the ocean and then took the kids down by the water and let Ethan & Ayla put there toes in the sand and ocean for the first time. It was a little chilly so they weren't to sure about it, our camera died so we didn't get any pics of the ocean, just video and I'm still figuring out how to download the video to my computer, we need a certain program or something.
Posted by Rhiann at 8:02 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentines Day Everybody!!!<3

Posted by Rhiann at 6:24 PM 1 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
Showers Already?!
Brendin decided about 2 weeks ago that he didn't like taking baths anymore and wanted to start taking showers, he used to hate showers. I thought kids took baths a lot longer than that, but he is a big boy!! He is such a smarty pants, all his teachers love him at school. I can't believe how fast he is growing up. :( It makes me sad when I look at his baby pictures, I think where has the time gone? My baby is not a baby.
Posted by Rhiann at 5:21 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I finally found a job at Ageless Zone Salon & Spa, it is super nice and in a pretty good location right by the mall. I start next week so I'm pretty nervous and excited, I will be renting a spot, now it's all up to me to by all my stuff. If you live here or know anybody who does send them to me.
Posted by Rhiann at 8:10 PM 1 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Happy 29th Birthday Quentin!
Today is Quentin's Birthday, he has to work, that sucks. We had a nice party for him last night with our families he got Home Depot gift cards, just what he wanted to build his little music space in our garage. Yesterday after church we went bowling with some friends while my cousin and his wife watched the kids, we had a lot of fun!
Posted by Rhiann at 10:38 AM 1 comments
what's up
So I take it nobody knew the answer to my last question, that is ok.We really have not been doing much at all lately. My cousin came into town a couple of weeks ago and we all just hung out, we didn't do a whole lot, Quentin got to go snowboarding with my cousins boyfriend. The babies are 10 months old, wow, 2 more months and they will be 1, yeah no more bottles! Ayla is such a sweetheart and very out spoken, besides saying momma and dadda she loves to say hi to everybody and when the phone rings she says hi, she also says bye bye and does the little backwards wave. She crawls really well she pulls herself up on things and walks around it slowly. She loves her daddy so much she gets so excited when he comes home. She has two bottom teeth and she loves to blow raspberries while she is eating!
Ethan is just the sweetest little boy, he just melts your heart, he says momma and dadda, and just started saying hi and doing the backwards wave. He is a pretty quiet boy but can be very demanding he tells us when he wants something, he gets soo mad sometimes. He is a mommies boy, he loves to cuddle and he really loves music he always dances when there is music playing, he likes to play with daddy's guitar. He crawls really well and pulls himself up on everything and does really well at walking around stuff, I think he might walk first. He has two bottom teeth, he is a really good eater. We just recently moved Ethan's crib into Brendin's room because he kept waking Ayla up. It is going Ok so far he has woke Brendin up a couple of times.
Brendin is getting big so fast, he really likes preschool, even though he doesn't like to admit it sometimes. He loves to play outside and ride his bike. He loves his brother and sister most the time, except when the try and play with his toys. He is super smart and will talk your ear off, especially in the car. Brendin loves to help his daddy with his car and building stuff, he loves using all the tools. He also loves music, he like to play on the drums. He can be a bit of a challenge sometimes he is very stubborn, but also he can be so sweet.
I'm going to start doing hair again in about a week or so, I found a job at a really nice salon called Metamorphosis it is in a great area to build up clients, the owner wants me to bring in a model and do a cut and color on her, she wants to see what I can do. Hopefully it works out. I was going to rent my own space, but it is pretty expensive and I need to build my clientele more, so I'm just doing commission until I have enough people coming to me. So anybody that lives here needs to come see me!:) Here are a bunch of cute pictures!!
Posted by Rhiann at 9:29 AM 4 comments