Friday, November 30, 2007


We finally had our first snow fall this morning it stuck but of course melted by the middle of the day it was pretty cool. Brendin and Quentin left for Washington today to visit family and play with all his cousins, they will have tons of fun! I miss him already but this will be the last time for awhile that i will have some time to myself. Well we are not having any luck with this house we made an offer on now 3 months later. so we decided to keep looking for houses we found a couple and we are going to make an offer on tues. hopefully they will except it. its not a foreclosure those are horrible to try and buy i wouldn't recommend it. The babies are doing well they are growing right on target and I'm getting sore i feel like i work out everyday or something but gaining a bunch of weight so fast and being all out front will make ya feel like that. They are pretty active its feels so weird compared to one baby.


Laura said...

We got snow on Saturday! Must have been your storm. It was a good storm for us (we got 2 inches), and it is so cold it is still on the ground. Enjoy your quiet time. I am jealous, but I am sure you are missing your boys. And good luck with putting offers on a house! That is stressful!