Tuesday, March 25, 2008

2 weeks old

Wow I cant believe it has been 2 weeks already. Ethan's cord fell off last night, no more sponge baths yeah! maybe he wont cry as much now. Now I'm just praying for the night that they sleep soundly for more than 2 or 3 hours. They are sweet hearts though I cant believe I have 3 kids. Quentin goes back to work next week, that is going to be such a big adjustment Im not looking forward to it. My cousin Laura is coming next week so it will be nice to have her around to help.

Monday, March 24, 2008


Beautiful Easter

We had a beautiful Easter Sunday, it was like 60 degrees or so outside. I finally got to go to church I haven't been since I got put on bed rest so it was nice a lot of work getting 3 kids and ourselves out of the house but that's ok. The babies slept through church and through dinner but they gave it to us last night they wanted to be held the whole time. Brendin had lots of fun all his grandparents were here and my moms brother uncle Tom came up to visit. We had everyone over for dinner, and he had an Easter egg hunt he got tons of candy and some toys and money. What a lucky boy! He was jumping off the walls last night. It was nice having everyone here even though we were missing a few people. I hope everyone had a good day.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Busy Busy babies

Lack of Sleep

I think the lack of sleep is finally catching up with me, its going to be really hard when Quentin goes back to work in another week, we really have a system down with feeding them. I'm really trying to keep them close to them same feeding schedule so we aren't constantly feeding and changing them but they are doing pretty well so far. I think we wake up at least 2 or 3 times to feed them sometimes less its definitely a challenge but they are getting bigger. They had there first doctors appt. yesterday Ethan weighed 5lbs. 13oz. he gained 6oz. since we left the hospital and Ayla weighed 5lbs. 11oz. and she gained 11oz. so they are doing good everything checked out great. Ethan hates being cold in any way changing his diaper or bathing anything that requires taking his clothes off and Ayla is more chill she doesn't mind to much but there personalities are definitely different. We are all hanging in there and Brendin is doing really well except for potty training of course but some day we will get there eventually.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Brendin and Ayla

Ayla I cant believe how much she looks like her big brother, its so cute. Im not sure who to compare Ethan to I think he has his own unique look to him I love it!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

We are home Yeah!

close up of the baby with the hat is actually Ayla not Ethan

One week Old

Ethan and Ayla are doing really well they eat sleep and poop a lot!! I think Ayla looks a lot like Brendin when he was that little and Ethan I'm not sure who he looks like, kind of like my dad a little. She is more laid back which is so nice and he is a little more needy but they are both good babies. They are so tiny they fit into preemie clothes they are almost to long for the clothes but there is a lot of growing room in newborn clothes. Ayla is our little piggy she chows down 2 to 3oz. in a couple minutes, Ethan has a little harder time latching on the bottle but he is getting better. They are just adorable and Brendin loves them so much he wants to kiss and hug them all the time and he likes to hold them. Brendin is doing pretty well he has become a little more of a challenge but it is expected. It is so different having babies and a toddler we have to make sure we make Brendin feel just as important. Im doing pretty well, Im still sore and still trying to fight this itchy pregnancy rash I got all over my body 2 days before I had them its horrible and mostly common with multiple pregnancies hopefully it will go away soon. Other than that we are just enjoying our new bundles of joy!!!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The twins are here!

Ethan Quentin Young and Ayla Marie Young Were born Tuesday the 11th at Renown medical hospital. Ethan arrived first at 3:55 p.m. He weighed 5lbs 11oz and measured 19 inches long. Ayla came next at 3:56p.m. She weighed 5lbs 4 1/2oz and measured 18 1/2 inches long. Both are healthy and happy babies and we are thrilled to have them! Brendin our 3 year old loves his brother and sister very much and wants them home! Rhiann and i would like to thank everyone for there prayers and thoughts in our behalf during this challenging pregnancy. We have been truly blessed by our Heavenly Father with these two amazing little spirits. 37 weeks...miracles do happen!!!!!