Thursday, May 8, 2008

Time flies by

OK so I actually have a moment to post a couple things. The babes are awake a lot more now so I have even less time to do things because they want to be entertained, and there are not very easy to entertain because they cant really do much yet. Just this past week they are starting to lay under there play gym and kind of bat at the toys hanging down but that doesn't last very long. There are also making all the cute baby sounds now I love it. They sound so sweet and they are smiling a little bit, at that can light up anybodies day. Brendin is doing great he will be starting preschool in August 2 half days a week, he says he doesn't want to go but I know he will like it. I think the 3's are so much more challenging than 2's because he definitely has an attitude but he can also be so sweet. He always loves to give the baby's kisses and says how much he loves them. It was so funny the other day Brendin was in the car with Quentin and Ethan (by the way Ethan hates his car seat he screams the entire time he is in it), they were at the dump and of course Ethan was just wailing and Brendin asked "Dad are we going to leave Ethan at the dump?" Quentin said "No" "But why not Dad". Brendin does not like listening to them crying all the time and he certainly made that known. I asked him later about what he said and he just started laughing, he said he does love his brother though. :)


Unknown said...

cute kids. I can't wait to get there in July to see them all. I have a friend who's baby screams her head off in the car seat. She's even tried other seats and it doesn't help. I hope he grows out of it. I would loose my mind with that much screaming. No wonder brendin wanted to leave him at the dump!

The Sabatini Family said...

THEY ARE GETTING SO BIG!! I can't believe it. I can't wait to see them. That's so funny about what Brendin said! What a cutie. When we were with Joe he asked me to turn off Adam once! It's funny how they think like that. I hope things are going well. Thanks for putting more pictures up. We love to look at them!! Love ya. ~Bonnie

Sassyfrass said...

What cuties! Iain is jealous that Brendin gets to go to school. He begs me almost every day. And Ethan looks so much like Q in that first picture! Izaak was a screamer in the car as well. Drove us bonkers!

Hannah Stevenson said...

OH they are getting cuter and cuter everyday. Brendin is a cutie too.