Wednesday, December 26, 2007

stuck in the hospital

I haven't had internet for awhile but now its working thank goodness. Well as most of you might have heard I will be spending the rest of my pregnancy in the hospital because of preterm labor, so im on bed rest and hooked up to medication, not to much fun. I'm 26 weeks now and they are hoping to get me to 32 at least. It is very difficult being here and trying to make sure brendin is taken care of which of course he is we have lots of grandparents, but he will be starting daycare for a little while a couple hours a day or less. Its even harder because we are moving into our new house soon and i wont get to see it until i have the babies so quentin has the task of getting everything ready, cleaning , painting, unpacking you know all that good stuff. Im sure he will have lots of help though. We are hanging in there and will get through this at least we had some good news my brother's wife just had there baby yeah!!! he is so cute..


Hannah Stevenson said...


Wow! That stinks...but I'm glad they caught everything in time. Do they have you hooked up to medication to stop labor? Are you able to walk around at all?
Hang in there are we are praying for you and those babies.


Laura said...

Hey Rhiann,
I'm so sorry this has happened to you but as long as everyone is healthy & well is all that matters! I wish we could be with you but you are in all of our hearts here in California. Stay positive & hang in there! Hopefully time will go fast! Love you! We are all praying for you! Love always, Laura

The Sabatini Family said...

Hey Rhiann, We hope you are doing ok. I'm sorry that you are stuck in the hospital, that has to be so hard. But, hopefully this short sacrifice will be worth it in the end when you get to hold your babies. We both love you and are praying for you and the twins. Love, Bonnie & Jason