Thursday, February 7, 2008

Belly pics, B & Q

Ok so pictures dont do my belly justice and the weight of it is so uncomfortable, if i lift my shirt up it looks a lot bigger, its all out front and really low. His head is down by my right hip and they can barely even get a good measurement of his head, she is breach and her head is up under my rib kind of. I definately cant wait to see all the cute girl clothes she gets because yes they sure do make a lot more stuff for girls!! :) Brendins favorite thing to do is climb all over his daddy and be up on his shoulders. They were playing will a remote controled rock crawler truck through the window and they just looked so cute sitting there. We are actually starting to get somewhere with potty training he has stayed dry for two days now with the exception of pooping in his pull up but he is doing very good!! Im not sure if we are going to let Brendin pick the boys name but I do want to come to and agreement with him because I want him to feel apart of this in some way. So there are a lot of pics that I couldnt put on here so im just going to throw some in.


The Sabatini Family said...

Wow - you actually look pregnant! :) You look cute, but I bet you are pretty uncomfortable though. You are almost done though!! Those pictures of Brendin & Quentin are so cute. Thanks for posting some pics for us. We miss Brendin and you guys so much. It is fun to see what you guys are up to. You should post some pictures of the house too when you get a chance - Gosh I'm demanding! :)I just like to see whats going on since we are so far away! Well, Take care. Love, Bonnie

Hannah Stevenson said...


I'm so glad you got to come home! I have been thinking of you a lot lately. You are doing so well! Hang in there. I had a c-section too and it really wasn't bad...I was amazed at how fast everything went and how soon we got to meet our girls. And recovery wasn't bad either...just stay on top of the pain medications and you will be fine. I am so excited for you...twins are so fun and don't listen to anyone who says it's a lot easier when they are inside of you...those people have obviously never been pregnant with twins!
Wishing you the very best. Love,

Sassyfrass said...

Love those pictures! You look great. Have to tell you a funny story. We saw a coyote standing on the side of the road the other day and I showed it to Iain. I asked him if he remembered what a coyote is and he said "yeah, Grandpa shot him in the butt!" Brendin's story has sure stuck with him :) See you guys soon!

Merridy and Lucas said...

Lucas came home from class today and said, "I want to baby-sit Bredin...." so take him up on it!

Liz Maile said...

I love your blog! And I am so glad that you are out of the hospital. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you! I have formula samples for you!

The Sabatini Family said...

Mas photos por favor! - Jason

Laura said...

That is one cute little boy you have there! Love the pics! And love your belly! HOLY SMOKES! That is seriously amazing! Hang in there! I am so glad that things are looking so good. I love the baby names, and I really like Ethan too. Keep us posted! So excited for you!