Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Time and Eternity

4 years ago today we were sealed together for time and eternity. Today we all went up to the temple and walked around, we took some pictures(thanks Merridy for being our photographer). It was a beautiful day, after that we went to Swenson's and had some ice cream just like we did after our sealing.


The Sabatini Family said...

Those are great pictures! What a neat thing to do. I can't believe how big the babies are getting. Happy 4 years. That was such a neat day to share with you guys. Love ya and can't wait to see all of you. We are starting to count down the days!! Love, Bonnie

Merridy and Lucas said...

thanks R-dawg for the big pictures!!!!! I can see you guys so clearly!

Sassyfrass said...

Nice photos! What a special day :)