Saturday, December 13, 2008

Birthday Party!!!

Brendin had such a great Birthday he has so many people that love him. He got lots of cool toys, all his grandparents were here to celebrate, my little brother and sister and one of his uncles was there also. Thank you Jason, Bonnie and Adam, Brendin really loved his Transformers and video he said it is what he always wanted :) we wish you could have been here to celebrate with us. Thank you to all the grandparents for all the wonderful gifts Brendin really loves them all. Quentin made an awesome monster truck cake for B and it only to 4 sheet cakes to make! haha. It took awhile to make but Quentin really wanted to make it for Brendin and he enjoyed making it. Some of the pictures are a little blurry because he was so excited and he was bouncing around. I still can't believe he is 4 already, my baby boy is growing up :( He is so great and such a blessing to have in our lives we love him so much!!!


The Sabatini Family said...

We wish we could have been there to celebrate with you Brendin! We love you and can't wait to see you next week. It looks like you got some Awesome toys!!! :) Love ya tons.